Opening hours during Christmas
Here ia a list of the opening hours of our services during Christmas. Canteen | Housing | Health | Rokken | Kindergarten
The Canteen is closed from 22nd of December, and opens again the 3nd of January.
Our Reception is closed all Christmas
We're back the 2nd of January.
The Student Guidance Counselling service is closed until 2nd of January.
Need someone to talk to during summer?
We know holidays can be a challenging time. If you need someone to talk to during christmas, there are some national services available.
Her er nokre av dei:
Studentphone: 116 123 (dial 3) open all days between 17.00 – 07.00
Kirkens SOS, crisis line: 22 40 00 40
Mental Helse, help line: 116 123
Røde kors for children and youths: 800 33 321
Rokken is closed until Wednesday January 4th.
Rokken Café
Tuesday 27th until Friday 30th of December: open from 11-16.
Røysmarka studentbarnehage is closed from 23rd of December, until 2nd of January.